Rachel Gunn

Rachel Gunn

Event Manager - Discover Earth

I am a final year PhD student at Lancaster Environment Centre. Over the last four years, my research has focused on understanding the behavioural responses of coral reef fishes to environmental change. I am particularly interested in how territorial behaviour is influenced by the food resources avai…

Elizabeth Flint

Elizabeth Flint

Event and Web Manager - Discover Earth

Liz is a second year Lancaster University PhD student based at the British Geological Survey in Wallingford. She is investigating the effects of water supply on the movement of phosphorus and nitrogen in the environment around the globe. She is looking forward to engaging with a wider audience on a …

Ruth Carter

Ruth Carter

Event Manager - Discover Earth

I'm participating in Pint of Science, Planet Earth my main goal in life is to make sure more people know what an entomologist is. My lifelong passion for insects has inspired me to participate in various work experiences; I'm currently a PhD student. Throughout my PhD at Lancaster University with Ro…

Philip Bond

Philip Bond

Event Manager - Particles, Polymers and Periodicity

I am a first year PhD student studying mid-infrared LEDs and their potential use in sorting black plastics in industrial settings for recycling purposes. My undergraduate master’s degree is in physics where my research was concerned with improving mechanical ventilators – as it was when the first-wa…

Elena Altmann

Elena Altmann

Event Manager - Becoming Human

What made you curious about my bio? I presume you expect to learn about me or this event. In a way, that is a snapshot of my PhD research focus at Lancaster University’s Curiosity Project. Curiosity is not a new concept. Still, it’s surprisingly vague in its scientific understanding - I want to chan…

Max Taylor

Max Taylor

Event Manager - Particles, Polymers and Periodicity

I am a PhD student in the physics department at Lancaster University, and I think Pint of Science is great for bridging the gap which sometimes exists between a university and its local communities. It's not always easy to get a real idea of the variety and quality of research that is happening on y…

Gabriel Bean

Gabriel Bean

Event Manager - Particles, Polymers and Periodicity

I’m a 4th year PhD student in theoretical physics. I study quantum optics, how objects like atoms interact with light. In my research, I look specifically at co-operative optics; where a group of atoms respond as a group to light rather than individually. This co-operative behaviour is very differen…

Didar Karadag

Didar Karadag

Event Manager - Becoming Human

Didar is a third year PhD student at Lancaster University. She is interested in knowledge acquisition and transmission processes in infants and young children. Her current research investigates the emergence of infants’ early information transmission behaviour, the type of information that they pref…

Mark Hamilton

Mark Hamilton

Event Manager - Discover Earth

I’m a 3rd year PhD student in Lancaster Environment Centre studying how coral reef degradation affects fisheries. My research focuses on different aspects of reef fisheries, including growth rates and nutrient content of fish, behaviour of local fishers, and diets of island communities. I’ve always …

Kyle Weston

Kyle Weston

Event Manager - Discover Earth

I‘m doing a research Masters in environmental science at Lancaster Uni. I’m interested in using lake sediment cores to understand past climate and environmental change and applying this knowledge to predict and plan for future change. For my research, I analyse fossil midges for carbon isotopes to r…

Victoria Thompson

Victoria Thompson

Event Manager: Particles, Polymers and Periodicity

I am a first-year PhD student with a research focus on sustainable redox flow batteries. Currently, commercially available versions use vanadium (a relatively expensive and rare metal) within the active species. My research is looking into the use of cheaper and more abundant compounds (such as iron…

Giuseppe Bagnato

Giuseppe Bagnato

City Coordinator